Creative crisis

 There is an exit! 10 tips from psychologists

To begin with, let's define what this very creative crisis is. Lack of inspiration, emptiness, stupor of new ideas and thoughts, loss of creative energy, inability to adequately evaluate the results of one’s activities…

The reasons can be very different - from a broken cup, to global global problems.

All creative people, without exception, periodically experience a creative crisis. At this time, it seems to them that this is forever and there is no way out. Psychologists say there is a way out! You just have to start looking for it. If you are a creative person, then we really hope that these tips will help you find your own creative individual solution to get out of a creative crisis. And here we will try to help you take the first step, the first look, the first jump from the problem called "Creative Block"


1. Go in search of inspiration! It may turn out to be completely unexpected, but absolutely simple things, ranging from household items, blades of grass, people, shops to cracks in the asphalt, art galleries and infinitely different skies. Search! Get up and go searching

2. Don't be afraid to ask for help from those you trust. Chat with like-minded people. Or in good fun company.

3. Be unexpected, look at simple things from a different angle. Incorporate an element of play into the process of finding inspiration. Turn a picture or piece of clothing upside down, see objects in the reflection of a mirror or a metal teapot that distorts proportions. Play with shapes and their perception!

4. Pick up a sheet and colored pencils, pens, felt-tip pens. And write all the best that you appreciate in yourself as a creative person. Your achievements, successes, discoveries. Write it in bright colors - yellow, green, blue, red, etc. Even if you don't use them in practice. And think only about the good, kind, bright, as if the other side does not exist.

5. Try to feel freedom! Imagine that there is no one around you, there are no other people's opinions and requirements. There are no critics inside or outside of you. You are one on one with the brightly shining sun of your Creativity! Take a step out of this state.

6. Leave the idea of perfection. Allow yourself to be just a person who has sorrows. Allow yourself to be sad. But give it some time. For example, tonight I will be sad - cry, feel sorry for myself ... And tomorrow I wake up to create, and let only someone bother me! In general, when tears will pour from your eyes, do not forget about tomorrow and that the promise must be kept.

7. The simplest advice. Get up and start doing. Get started. Don't let a creative block deepen and become a creative stalemate. Take action!

8. If the crisis came after a long process of creative implementation of previous ideas, then the accumulated fatigue may be the cause. Allow yourself to relax and unwind. And maybe even have fun from the heart and indulge in "vices"

9. If the reason for the decline of creative inspiration was due to someone criticizing your creativity. Humble yourself. The world is imperfect. People are different. If everyone liked the same thing, it would be boring to live. This is an area that you cannot control. You don't like everything either. Let others be different and let yourself be yourself.

10. Try to change something in the workspace. Rearrange, paint the walls a different color, buy yourself another coffee cup. Do something!

Here are 10 tips from psychologists. But if you are a creative person, then you probably have your own proven methods, ways to get out of a creative crisis. Share them in the comments and there will be more happy creative people!


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