Subtleties of female psychology: secrets and peculiarities of women's behavior


Girls like to talk. Female representatives cannot keep everything inside themselves. Women are happy to talk about their successes and failures to their girlfriends and boyfriends. Girls want to receive support and approval from loved ones. But more than discussing their lives, the fair sex likes to gossip about the lives of others.

Gossip is one of the components of any women's dialogue. Thanks to the condemnation or approval of the actions of her acquaintances or strangers, a woman understands how she should behave in a similar situation. Discussing her neighbor's betrayal, she gathers the opinions of those around her. The lady draws conclusions from what she heard. If those around them do not condemn the behavior of the neighbor, then soon the woman herself may commit adultery.

Receiving a flurry of criticism from her friends on the topic that one of the celebrities has enlarged her lips, a girl may decide that she should not do such an operation. Therefore, always pay attention to what the lady is discussing with you. Women rarely discuss political issues. They are used to discussing their current problems or topics that are close to them at the moment.

What does she want from life?

By how and what a woman lives and "breathes", you can understand how serious or frivolous, cheerful or embittered she is. It is necessary to observe - what she strives for, what are her priorities. This will help to understand the woman.

Maybe the girl spends her evenings partying and dancing with a martini in her hand? Or go to the library? Does it take place at a charity that helps children or animals?

How does the time pass during the first meetings: hanging out in clubs, going to the movies and walking around the city, or is she more interested in hours-long conversations?

From how a girl spends her free time, we can draw a conclusion - how she will spend it in the presence of her partner. You don't need to focus on words, you need to focus on actions, then you can understand a woman.

If the way of life and ideas about it will be somewhat different - that's normal. The main thing is not too much, because if a woman devotes all her time to her career and even on weekends and holidays, you can easily understand the girl. She only needs a career. If she talks only about work and endlessly brags about her successes, not letting her partner utter a word - what kind of wedding, life and children can we be talking about.

How does the girl relate to relatives and other people?

Strong and psychologically healthy relationships in the girl's family contribute to the fact that peace and harmony will reign in her future family. If a girl speaks of her relatives with kindness and warmth, then in a relationship she will respect and appreciate her partner, love sincerely and tenderly.

When a girl talks only bad things about loved ones, complains about them and constantly lies, "takes the trash out of the house" - then the relationship will be the same. Here the main thing is to understand the woman, what drives her, to try to talk about all these points, if the girl categorically refuses to change her point of view - there will be no peace in the future family, the partner will sooner or later come under fire.

It is also important how a woman communicates with other people: if she is condescending and disdainful, laughs at her appearance or is rude to others - such a girl will be a good match for the same rude and narcissistic character. Kindness and friendliness to people, regardless of their status and position in society - this is what causes sincere respect.

A parable or a story

Secrets of female psychology

What can be said about women? That they are gentle, kind, unique, mysterious, sometimes weak, sometimes innocent or arrogant, but always beautiful. But that's how it is!

There is one correct parable that Chinese sages have shown the world. And how not to believe the wise men?

One day, a man came to God and said that he was lonely. God began to think: from what to create a woman, because the entire supply of material went to make Adam?

But how can you refuse, and he got down to business!

Then God took a few rays of the sun, the dreamy sadness of the moon, the passion of a trembling doe, the affectionate gaze of a doe, the enchanting beauty of a swan, the slenderness of a reed, the softness of a dove, the sweetness of honey, the tenderness of a down, the lightness of the air, the freshness of spring water...

I mixed it all up...

It turned out too cute, then God added: a little frivolity, the cunning of the fox, a drop of snake venom, the insatiability of the shark, the timidity of the hare, the cruelty of the tiger, the tears of the clouds, the talkativeness of the magpie and all the horrors of the elements...

From this unique mixture emerged a magical WOMAN!

God breathed a soul into his masterpiece, handed it over to the man with the words: "Take care of her, there will be no repetition! ..."

The figure will help to understand a woman, psychologists say

And finally, an amazing discovery of psychologists. It turns out that the type of figure can also tell a lot about the character and helps to understand the girl. As an experiment, more than 100 women were interviewed and these are the conclusions the scientists came to.

The owners of a narrow waist and a fragile figure will suit romantic men who want to take care of their gentle companion, and girls with a wider waist will become ideal partners for determined and independent men who are looking for an equally combative and faithful girlfriend.


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