Secrets of human psychology

Human psychology has not yet been fully studied, and therefore represents a great mystery. However, scientists do not stop trying to get to the bottom of it. In this article we will describe some interesting phenomena of human psychology. Perhaps it will help to avoid many mistakes in your behavior.

1. One of the psychological phenomena is the Pratfell effect. Its essence is that the people around you will love and appreciate you more if they see your flaws, not your virtues. That is, our imperfection helps to achieve the location of others, to cause sympathy and a desire to help. Therefore, psychologists advise not to highlight your strengths, carefully hiding your flaws. Show your weakness and people will reach out to you.

This effect is successfully used by "advanced" businessmen. Don't try to sound like God, perfect in everything and overconfident. Show excitement, joke casually, and the chance of liking a potential partner or investor will be much higher.

2. The Pygmalion effect. The psychological aspect of this phenomenon is that, the more is expected of a person, the more effective his activity is. This fact has been confirmed by experience. American psychologists conducted an experiment in educational institutions. All students were offered IQ tests. However, the results were replaced by false ones. The excellent ones showed rather mediocre results, but the "average girls" were assigned the highest level. The subsequent effect exceeded all expectations. Those students who supposedly have a fairly high level of mental development wanted to justify their results, they began to study better, the level of motivation increased.

Moreover, this effect can be applied not only in education. As the famous psychologist Robert Rosenthal summarized - our expectations create our reality. Therefore, do not be afraid to set difficult goals for yourself, overestimate your abilities and you will definitely achieve an excellent result.

3. Psychologists single out another interesting phenomenon of human psychology - the paradox of choice. It turns out that the more options we have for choosing in a particular situation, the greater the probability that we will not be satisfied with our choice in the future.

It would seem that it is better to go shopping in a large supermarket, and not in a small store. You can choose better and cheaper. However, here too, the psychological experiment showed the opposite result. When two groups of subjects are offered to make a choice from a smaller and a larger number of products, the percentage of those dissatisfied with their choice is found precisely in the group with a large assortment.

4. Psychologists studying the characteristics of people living in big cities have discovered another interesting effect - the witness effect. With this phenomenon, they explain the strange fact that the more people around, the less likely it is that one of them will pay attention to a request for help.

The peculiarity of a citizen, a resident of a metropolis, is that if there are many people around and someone asks for help, then the person almost automatically ignores the request. After all, there are so many people around, someone else will definitely help. This is what everyone in the crowd thinks, and as a result, there are no people willing to help. Therefore, if you suddenly need help on the street, do not turn to the crowd, but to a specific person.

5. Scientists from Cornell University discovered another psychological phenomenon - the Spotlight Effect. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there are more and more people who notice little around them, as they are immersed in their own thoughts. A person, immersed in his own thoughts, follows the usual route to work, but completely does not notice other people, details of the interior, he does not even remember what color bus he was riding.

Every day you carefully choose clothes for the office, chase to buy the latest model of a trendy gadget, but believe me, all your efforts are in vain, because most of your colleagues will not even notice what you are wearing and what phone you have.

6. And another psychological effect of focusing. This phenomenon of human psychology is very successfully used by marketers. Any advertising convinces us that we are not happy and successful without this or that product. And the more a person begins to think about it, the more he is convinced of the need for the advertised item. The point is that our psyche is capable of significantly overestimating the significance of a thing, phenomenon, or situation. Do you think you would be happier if you had a house by the sea and could bask in the sun all year round? Not at all. Studies show that residents of sunny California, for example, feel no more happy and satisfied than residents of New York.

In order not to succumb to this effect, learn to relate more easily to surrounding things and situations. Think about whether it will be important to you in a week, in a year, in a few years. Difficult to answer? The whole point is that making long-term forecasts is a thankless and useless business. And you should not be upset that many plans do not come true. Treat everything that happens more simply and with humor.


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