Secrets of a happy relationship

Agree, there are quite a few married couples from whom it is difficult to look away. How do they do it? How, after so many years of married life, they walk holding hands, and between them you still feel both respect and tenderness, and even some amazing kinship of souls? Let's share some secrets of such couples! • Be sincere. Don't be afraid to open up to your partner, because he is the closest person to you! If something is bothering you, be sure to share it with your partner. No one can read your thoughts! • Support each other. Everyone has difficult times in life and moments of failure, which can spoil not only a good mood, but also affect the sense of self-worth. Therefore, during such a period, show understanding, listen and support your partner. It's not difficult at all! • Look at life positively. Be optimistic, because in order for it not to happen, the main thing is that you are in each other. • Talk about your feelings. Do not hesitate to show your partner your lo...