Psychology of a 40-year-old man. Secrets of the psychology of men

Psychologists assure that the most difficult period for a man is between the ages of 37 and 43. It is also called a midlife crisis. The psychology of a man at the age of 40 is a subject of study for leading specialists, because it is very difficult to find answers to many questions. This fatal period can cause significant destruction in all areas of a man's life. At the same time, not only one's own self-esteem suffers, but also one's personal life.

Reasons for disappointment

A man of 35-40 years is quite predictable. The woman is no longer surprised by his bad mood and constant insults. You can give a short list of men's works.

"I want more freedom, you limit me and don't let me live in peace." And it is not important that these "interests" are not compatible with the role of a man.
"I work a lot, so I will live the way I want." Although at the same time the wife can spend the whole day at work, and in the evenings take care of the household and children. Only what a man does is important.
You follow me and forbid me to talk to my friends.
"You're a bad mother and you didn't raise your children properly." To the wife's counter question: "What were you doing at that time?" — at best, you can get one answer: "Work."
"You are only interested in your own hobbies and interests, you are not interested in my life." But if the wife shows interest in the husband, it is perceived as interference in his personal space and control.
"You only need my money."
"The house is dirty, the children are ill-mannered, the food is tasteless." Wives of 40-year-old men have to listen to this "song" every day.
"Don't ask me why I act like that, you still won't understand."
"Why do I suffer? I have one life, let's break up."
When a man turns 40, he thinks of only one thing - to escape from the "prison" where he found himself. It depresses him that every day he has to return to the evil witch, when there are so many beautiful fairies around. Such a "break" leads to the fact that the man destroys the family and sets out to meet the new and unknown. The fact that the other life does not always turn out to be better does not bother him much during this period. He is sure that a miracle is waiting for him ahead, which will bring happiness.

Man after 40 psychology

Hormonal changes in men after 40 years
After 35-40 years, the concentration of androgens in the blood in the male body gradually decreases - testosterone is produced in the testicles, and DHEA - dehydroepiandrosterone is produced in the adrenal glands. Androgens are responsible for sperm production, sex drive, body structure, hair, voice, muscle mass, prostate function, and lipid metabolism. In addition, after the age of 40, a man undergoes changes in the production of melatonin, a hormone responsible for regulating the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.

As a result of the deficiency of male hormones, men complain of impotence, decreased fertility, decreased body efficiency, loss of muscle mass, decreased mood, etc. It should also be remembered that after the age of 40, the risk of certain diseases gradually increases, such as prostate hyperplasia, prostate cancer, hypertension, diabetes, so preventive examinations should be taken into account.

A man is a hero

40 years for a man is the age when he begins to take stock. If he has some success, he sincerely considers himself a winner and craves universal approval and admiration. First of all, from his wife. But she who can always share his confidence in his exclusivity. The wife stopped admiring her husband and giving him compliments, which greatly affects his self-esteem. Photos of men in this state often reveal their dissatisfaction.

To satisfy his ambitions, a man is looking for a girl who will look at him with loving eyes and catch his every word. It seems to him that if he does not find such an admirer now, then it will be too late. This fear is so strong that a man is ready to throw himself into the whirlpool and destroy everything that was created by such hard work.

The man is 40 years old

Psychology of men after 40: married, divorced, single
2.1 Sexual life
In the period of forties, the intensity of sexual life is noticeably reduced. This happens due to the natural physiological capabilities of the body. Each age has its own frequency and duration of intercourse, and there is nothing wrong with that. With age, hearing, vision, reaction speed, etc. weaken a little. But it is sexuality that makes men fall into deep depression. The fear of not satisfying his partner in a certain period pushes a man to reckless actions. Since the wife is a witness of a young period of life (and other opportunities), men try to find a companion by their side. She will not be able to compare the past and actual indicators, and the situation will look like the beginning of a new path. A man tries to arm himself with special literature, master new directions in sex, and artificially increase his potency. This erroneous behavior can lead to deterioration of health and frustration of the moral plan.

The increased sexual activity of a forty-year-old man provokes heart attacks, strokes and other serious diseases. The enthusiasm of the new partner will turn into disappointment (the aged body cannot constantly work for wear and tear), and it will be a real blow for the man. This situation can kill a person in a moral and physical sense.


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