10 psychological secrets, the knowledge of which will allow you to manage almost any situation

You can believe it or not, but if you know certain psychological secrets of interaction and communication with people, you can take control of almost any situation and turn it to your advantage. This review has collected only some (but quite effective) psychological secrets that can be used in various situations. Just don't be surprised if after that you are called a skillful manipulator.

1. The mirror as salvation

People who work with clients as a duty of service should place a mirror on their desk in which people can see their reflection. There is no doubt that when people see the reflection of their face, they try to look good, get less angry and never be rude.

2. A request or offer

If you need to get someone's consent (it doesn't matter for what reason), you should present your desire not as a request, but as an offer. Will definitely work!

3. "What's in Your Name"

Psychologists claim that the most pleasant sounds for any person are the sound of his name. That's why you should address the interlocutor by name. This will put him in a positive mood during communication.

4. Chewing gum

If something annoying happens, take out the chewing gum from your bag. This is a great way to calm down. It may seem strange, but when a person chews gum, the brain receives a relaxation setting.

5. "Foot in the door"

If someone managed to convince a person to do something simple for them, then, most likely, it will be possible to get a more serious favor from them. In psychology, this is called gradual commitment or a "foot in the door."

6. Conversations behind one's back

Do not talk about other people behind their backs. Of course, all people like to gossip. But if you keep yourself in your hands and do not take part in such conversations, the quorum of trust will increase significantly.

7. Conversations and feelings

As a rule, people remember not what was said to them, but the feelings and emotions that arose in them during the conversation. Therefore, you should not worry if you said something stupid in the conversation, if the general mood of the conversation was positive.

8. About myself beloved

For most people, their favorite topic of conversation is themselves. Therefore, if there is an awkward silence in the conversation, you can safely ask the interlocutor questions about his life.

9. "Because..."

When a person addresses someone and wants to increase the chances of a positive response, it is worth using the word "because" several times when making your request. This subtly lets the interlocutor understand that there is a serious reason for him to give his consent.

10. Delivery

It seems that it is not important at all, but psychologists advise to keep your back straight when talking. It is enough to take care of your posture in order to look like a self-confident person in the eyes of the interlocutor.

And more...

When starting a conversation, you should not be tempted and be sure that the person will respond to the request and help. This will prevent disappointment. And with a positive outcome of the conversation, a good mood is guaranteed. Especially for those who are interested in the topic, 15 more psychological life hacks that will help everyone become happy and healthy.


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