How to prevent yourself from being manipulated

It's no secret that people are susceptible to manipulation. It can be weakened or prevented, but in one case efforts will be required, sometimes significant, and in the second - no. You choose.

In psychology, there are such terms as complexes and personal attitudes - they have long been used in dozens of leadership development courses, but at the same time they are quite effective outside of them, as a real defense against manipulation.

We have prepared for you a summary of popular courses, trainings and NLP installations that can help you gain control and prevent outside influence. So let's go!

The power of promises

A fairly serious manipulation mechanism that can break any defense.

Sometimes we make promises - of our own free will or under pressure ... It would seem that there is nothing wrong with that, but this makes it possible to exploit our guilt if for some reason we cannot or do not want to fulfill it.

To avoid manipulation, it is necessary to become tougher and not promise anything to anyone - especially if there is no confidence in the ability to fulfill the promise. But if you already promised, it is better to fulfill and thereby get rid of possible control over yourself.

Unnecessary Initiative

Probably, many have heard the phrase “initiative is punishable”, and this is true. Of course, you need to offer your help, but only in cases where it is really necessary. For example, a dangerous situation has arisen when a person cannot do without outside help.

With good intentions, you can make things worse, and therefore, if you are not asked for help, it is better not to offer it. And most importantly, do not ask for someone, or at least measure the possible risks in case something goes wrong.

This may seem selfish, but it will allow you to avoid unnecessary problems and that very feeling of guilt, which means a lever for manipulating yourself.

Fixation on the past

One of the simplest and most effective manipulation techniques is a reference to the past. Say, "You used to be kinder" or "We used to do this, not that." Such a phrase creates a subconscious rule that a person does not want to break, because by nature we are not destroyers. It is much easier to convince with this phrase than without it.

Psychologists advise to live in the present. The past has already come true and there is nothing to return to it. Thus, you will save yourself from psychological manipulation.

Failure is necessary for growth

Manipulation is, first of all, the imposition of a certain behavior model that is necessary for someone who wants to get certain actions from you. One of these ways is a constant reminder of failures, and this is nothing more than a signal “I understand more, but you don’t”, that is, an attempt to build a master / student, boss / subordinate behavior model.

Psychologists recommend that you perceive failures correctly - they are necessary for gaining experience, this is an opportunity to change and grow above yourself, but not at all proof of failure. React to failures more calmly, this is a common occurrence and there is nothing wrong with that. Any experience is a blessing.

There are a lot of manipulative methods in psychology. In order not to fall for such psycho-hooks, you need to learn to analyze the situation, to understand what, how, for what and for whom you are doing.

This entry was posted in Blog on 2019-06-22 by admin.

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