Did your girlfriend leave you? Did you struggle to get her to change her mind and realized it wasn't working?

Do not panic. Right now, I will teach you how to get your ex-girlfriend back and help you turn the situation around.

Continue Reading How to Forget Your Ex

Not too long ago my girlfriend left me too. She told me to "move on" and didn't return my calls.

Surprisingly, after a few months we were (and are) together again. And all thanks to my friend from the distant past, who told me that there is a special strategy for getting your girlfriend back that you must follow if you want to get her back.

But first you need to determine who dumped whom.

So did she leave you or did you leave her? If she ended the relationship and you just want things to go back to how they were before, skip to Step #1 below.

However, if you dumped her but realized you made a huge mistake and now want her back, read my article on the subject as all the steps on this page show you how to get your ex back if she was the one who initiated it.

Step 1. Understand why your ex-girlfriend left you.

Our first priority is to understand what you did “wrong”. Because you have to stop doing it or the return process I'm about to show won't work.

Most likely, she told you some frivolous reason why she did it. Perhaps she said that you were "moving away from each other", or something like: "I just need to be alone."

Whatever she says will almost certainly not give you any hint as to what really happened. This is typical for women, but I assure you that there are 3 main reasons why she left you, and I have broken them into categories A, B and C. We need to find out which category your situation falls into. 95% of men fall into category A.

Category A. She lost interest in you.

When a girl stops being attracted to her boyfriend (or husband), the relationship comes to a standstill. If she feels attractive enough to attract a new decent man, then sooner or later she will leave her boyfriend and find a new one.

As I said, this is the most common situation.

How do you know if this reason is relevant to your situation? Think about your relationship over the past few weeks/months and answer YES or NO to the following questions:

Did you try to be nice and courteous to her all the time?

If you were "nice" to your girlfriend literally every minute, she could pick up on the hint that you were trying your best to please her, i.e. fought for her approval.

The unwritten laws of the "social food chain" say that lower people seek approval from higher ones, and not vice versa. Women know this, and by getting her approval, you make her feel like she's superior to you.

Evolution and the desire to have strong offspring make a woman pay attention to guys whom she considers superior to herself. All women have this mechanism built into their DNA to keep the human race strong.

Your problem is that your good behavior prevented your ex-girlfriend from seeing you as superior. And, of course, if she does not see superiority in you, she quickly loses interest. Then thoughts of ending the relationship come to her mind.

Did you do everything she ever asked you to do?

Imagine: there are two people, a master and a slave. Who do you think is higher in the social hierarchy? The owner, of course.

Fulfilling every desire or demand of your ex-girlfriend, you behaved like a slave, and she like a master. But women are attracted to men who have a higher value.

However, if you ask her, she will never admit it. Why? She just can't. Attraction is a very simple and subconscious process that has been going on for thousands of years, so she doesn't realize why she lost interest in you.

Did you compliment her all the time?

A girl with any degree of sexual value will start to think of a guy who regularly compliments her as a fan. Celebrities meet fans? Of course not! They date other celebrities whose social and partner value is equal to or greater than their own.

By constantly praising your ex, you showed her that her worth is higher than yours. Because of this, she lost attraction to you, and this led to a breakup.

Read also Compliments that will blow my mind

Did you let her know that she is the most important thing in your life?

It seems that this should only increase your attractiveness in her eyes. Of course, every girl wants to be the center of her boyfriend's universe, right?

No. The truth is that your girlfriend wants to be important to you, but she also needs you to do other things in her life.

If you've already answered three "yes" to those first 5 questions, forget about the rest of this step, because 3 or more "yes" makes it perfectly clear that we're dealing with category A (loss of attraction). And that means you're now ready to move on to the next


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