Everyone needs a space in which he can feel completely safe - this is the zone of personal comfort. Consider its features, boundaries and protection.

Comfort zone features

In the nature of people, the desire to protect their personal space, it is because of it that you can become uncomfortable in the crowd, or there is irritation when someone gets too close, takes your personal things - they are also perceived as part of the individual.

Everyone needs a personal comfort zone, and the willingness to share it with other people depends on various factors. For example, for city dwellers it is less than for rural residents, and for those who live in "communal apartments", it can be so small that it is even comfortable in the queue.

The boundaries of personal space

Physically, they manifest themselves in the distance at which you are comfortable communicating with a person. It depends on how much you trust him. There are several zones:

Intimate - the distance is closer than an outstretched hand, communication on it is comfortable only with the closest, the penetration of an outsider into this zone is alarming.

Personal - 50-150 cm. To communicate with friends - for example, colleagues or classmates, and not only on business, but also about personal life.

Social - 1.5-4 m. When communicating with strangers, it is not recommended to violate it, since it is at this distance that a feeling of security arises.

Public - over 4 m. Used to communicate with a group of people at business meetings, lectures, and so on.

The second component of personal space is psychological, it varies greatly depending on the person, it is influenced by:

Type of character - extroverts are more open and tend to violate other people's space, introverts prefer to keep their distance.

Level of self-confidence - insecure people tend to violate other people's boundaries.

A family.

Place of residence.

cultural features.

How to protect your personal space

Violation of the comfort zone does not always mean a psychological attack, but it is still important to be able to protect it. There are tricks you can use to do this:

When strangers try to invade your comfort zone, a defensive posture helps: step back a little, extend one leg and cross your arms over your chest.

When trying to push, you can take a counterattack: come closer, put your hands on your hips, lean forward a little, and ask your opponent what he needs from you, looking straight into your eyes.

If you constantly violate your comfort zone at work, put up barriers - some books or posters. The more individualized your place becomes, the more difficult it will be to encroach on it.

Learn to say "no" even to those closest to you. This word indicates that the choice is yours, and outlines the boundaries of your personal space.

Leave at least a few hours a day for hobbies and activities that interest you. This gives confidence, as a result, it will become more difficult to invade your personal space.

There should always be a place in the house that belongs to you personally, where no one else has access.

If you are uncomfortable with someone getting too close during a conversation, immediately communicate that the distance between you should be more - explain that this will only benefit the conversation.

You should not discuss personal issues with people you do not know well enough and close the distance ahead of time - you may be misunderstood, use the information received, or begin to violate your comfort zone.


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