Psychology of communication: secrets of successful conversation

A calm look, clear speech, an appropriate smile and a kind tone are the keys to a successful conversation.

Psychology of communication: secrets of successful conversation. A calm look, clear speech, an appropriate smile and a kind tone are the keys to a successful conversation.

The need for communication is in no way inferior to the need for food or sleep, because man is a social being. It is true that it is not easy to establish communication, to find friends or at least good comrades, close in spirit and views, especially for modest or closed personalities, informs Ukr.Media.

The ability to place a person to oneself, unfortunately, is not given to everyone from birth, it needs to be learned or developed in exactly the same way as, for example, the ability to draw, read or swim. Sociable and sociable people establish relationships much easier, find friends, work, and move up the career ladder faster.

How can you learn to place people to yourself? You can find a lot of books on this topic, read a significant number of articles and theoretically become a real ace! But in practice, for some reason, everything turns out to be more difficult: it is not always possible to apply advice from books, and very often psychological stress is to blame. A person who is used to feeling a certain discomfort in society is not always able to relax: it is the tension that prevents him from looking at the situation soberly and understanding how to place the interlocutor towards him.

Therefore, start by learning to relax in society: you can take a few deep breaths before an important conversation, use meditation or simply count to 10, while relaxing with every cell in your body. Believe me, after that the conversation will go completely differently.

Rules of a successful conversation

So, you know that a serious conversation or event awaits you - maybe it's an interview, starting a new job, getting to know someone else's team or a date. In addition, you perfectly understand that you experience some difficulties in communication and communication, perhaps they have already played against you more than once.

Psychology of communication: secrets of successful conversation. A calm look, clear speech, an appropriate smile and a kind tone are the keys to a successful conversation.

It's time to change your life and learn to be kind to yourself and others, because your future depends on it! But how to do it? Especially for this, we have prepared a list of important psychological techniques and advice that can help in difficult situations, as well as set the conversation on the right wave.

Smile to yourself and others. The psychology of communication is a complex science, nevertheless, it often talks about incredibly simple and, at first glance, trivial things that we, nevertheless, often neglect. This also applies to smiles - a simple and effective way to attract a person to you. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to smile all the time, a rather short emotion that will already play to your advantage.

Scientists even conducted a series of tests during which they found out that smiling people more often inspire trust in others, they have a much better chance of attracting an interlocutor, even a complete stranger. Of course, the effect will be much greater if there is a sincere smile, which, unfortunately, is not always easy.

But psychologists expressed their opinion here: even if your interlocutor understands that you are smiling, so to speak, because of force, the effect will still be more positive than negative. The very fact of a smile can set a positive mood and create a favorable atmosphere for communication. You yourself will not notice how a forced smile will turn into a real and sincere one after just a few minutes.

Learn to listen

People, no matter how much they try to deny it, really like attention to their own person, they are pleased when they are interested in their personality, ask questions and, what is important, listen carefully to the answers to them. Unfortunately, not all of us can boast of such a skill: to listen and hear our interlocutor. Often, while one of the participants in the conversation is saying something, the other begins to immerse himself in his own thoughts, to be distracted by extraneous events and surrounding objects - the window of the room, the TV, decorative items, people passing by, and so on.

Psychology of communication: secrets of successful conversation. A calm look, clear speech, an appropriate smile and a kind tone are the keys to a successful conversation.

It is very important to make it clear to the interlocutor that you are interested in what he is talking about: nod from time to time, affirmative "yes" are also welcome, ask questions sometimes and do not look away for a long time.

Be quiet more

Yes Yes. Instead of occupying the entire space with empty chatter, in which it is difficult to find a grain of meaning, it is better to replace it with silence. Try to learn to express your thoughts constructively, form proposals so that they are as informative as possible.

If you don't know what to say, it's better to remain silent or honestly say: "I don't even know what to say/advise/reply to you." Do not try to fill the conversation with you as much as possible, do not interrupt the interlocutor to insert your valuable opinion after each of his phrases, give him the opportunity to express himself only after


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