13 secrets from psychologists that will change your life

No matter how much they talk about the uniqueness of each person, the behavior of all in general can be considered identical. Our automatic actions are usually similar, and therefore psychology allows us not only to reveal everyone, but even to control the individual.

The simplest and most effective methods of this science of the “man of knowledge” can be safely applied in everyday life:

1. How to get anyone to tell the truth?

If the answer of the interlocutor did not suit you, for example, he didn’t say something, expressed himself unclearly, or lied, you don’t need to ask again. Instead, just silently and carefully look into his eyes - this technique simply will not leave him a chance and he will be forced to continue his thought.

2. What to do with a person yelling at you?

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If someone is yelling at you, make an effort and remain completely calm, remaining unperturbed. The first reaction of the screamer is anger, which your behavior will only provoke, but it will subside very quickly and reaction number two will begin - guilt for your defiant and aggressive behavior. Most likely, it is the screaming one who will ask for forgiveness.

3. How to withstand criticism?

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If you know that you will receive criticism from a person (they will make comments or scold), take courage and try to sit or stand next to him - in this case, he will soften and the negative will come from him many times less than if you were at a distance .

4. How to overcome anxiety?

Eating in a person is associated with calmness and security, because we do it, most often, at home, in our native walls. That is why, if you are very worried, chew gum: this will deceive our brain, creating the impression of what you are eating, and, therefore, will make you feel more confident and calm.

5. How to deal with pressure?

An old and proven method used by many students in the exam: imagine that the teacher is your good and close friend: then it will be much easier to answer, and you will feel calmer. This technique works with any interviewer! Use it before an important interview.

6. How to understand who likes whom?

If everyone in the company starts laughing at once, then everyone, at the level of instinct, looks at the one who is most attractive to him, with whom he would like to become closer. Therefore, catch glances after a successful joke, you will learn a lot of new things.

7. How to make yourself fall in love with another person?

When meeting a person, express a little more joy in his attitude: for example, smile sincerely or try to pronounce his name softly and warmly. Then, over time, you will begin to treat him much better in all seriousness, and the joy of meeting will be sincere.

8. How do you get people to be polite?

If your work is connected with people, then you can “make” them behave more politely and gently: put a mirror behind you so that your interlocutors see their reflection - as a rule, in the mirror we always try to look better, smile, and see ourselves angry and we do not want to be harmful.

9. Want to attract the attention of someone you like?

Look closely at the object located directly behind his shoulders, and as soon as you realize that you have caught his eye on you, quickly look the "victim" in the eyes and smile a little - it works flawlessly.

10. How to calm down when there is no time?

In fact, we can control our stress: when you are very worried, feel how you began to breathe deeper, how your heart began to beat faster and try to force yourself to breathe more calmly and balance the beat. We really can do it.

11. How to please a stranger?

Do you want to win over a person at the first meeting to get his sympathy? Just determine his eye color at the time of meeting: eye contact is conducive to you.

12. How to motivate people to succeed?

When setting any requirements or conditions, initially raise the bar. Most likely, the person will not agree to this and refuse. But on the other hand, he will 100% agree to the real conditions that you will offer later: people tend to give you less if they denied you something more before that.

13. How to cheat without cheating?

People are drawn to individuals who are confident in themselves and their actions, so just show that you understand exactly what you say or do (even if this is not entirely true).

Finally, I would like to say that our facial expressions are closely related to emotions:

We raise our eyebrows when we smile, we squint our eyes when we cry. And vice versa: facial expressions affect the internal state: if right now you make a grimace, similar to the one that appears on your face when crying, most likely, tears will begin to roll on their own. Use this feature to your advantage: smile!

Use this feature to your advantage: smile!
Smile just like that, for no reason, and in just a few seconds this smile will become real and sincere! What do you think about these psychological tricks? Which of them will you use? Let us know in the comments!


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