30 Cunning Psychological Tricks Everyone Should Know

How to achieve your own, manage other people's opinions, influence others, manipulate and arouse sympathy? There are certain psychological tricks that will allow you to become a more successful, happy, attractive and interesting person. Advice from psychotherapists, hypnotists, scammers and politicians. ADVERTISING Mechanisms for manipulating consciousness will come in handy for everyday life. This will allow you to achieve your goal more often, to be a more successful, attractive and interesting person. The methods of psychological influence are quite harmless and you can not be shy about using them on others. Secret techniques for manipulating the mental consciousness of a person and groups of people. 

30 Cunning Psychological Tricks 

1. When people laugh, they instinctively glance at those they are interested in and like. So you can find out a secret love, the interest of the opposite sex, or an existing office romance. 

2. Remember the names of all people. By calling a person by name, we quickly dispose him to ourselves. A proper name is the best compliment for any person. 

3. Create the illusion of choice for a person. Offer two options that suit you. Invite a girl to watch a movie at your place or go to her place. She will have the illusion of choice, although both options suit you. Work-life balance will make you happy and successful 

4. Ask for advice or do a small favor. So you can quickly win over a girl, acquaintance or friend. People value more those who have been taken care of once. 

5. Smile and be happy when you meet someone you like. This will establish a connection between you, and he will also experience positive emotions at the next meeting. 

6. Touch people whenever possible. This will allow you to establish friendly, informal and friendly relations with others. If this is done with a girl, then the likelihood of getting closer not only as friends increases. 

7. Be always confident. So people will attribute leadership qualities to you, consider you strong and purposeful. A confident person is always more likeable as an employee, friend, and significant other. 

8. Even a small gift can dramatically change a person's attitude towards you. So you can improve relationships with almost anyone. 

9. Want to get answers and find out secrets? Take a long pause between you and stare at him. The interlocutor will feel uncomfortable and will try to fill the awkward silence. 

10. Spend more time with people you want to please. It's easier to find friends, good buddies and a soul mate. We love those with whom we communicate a lot. 

11. In the direction of a person's feet, one can determine his sympathy, desire to continue the conversation and interest in what is happening. 

12. Praise people and give compliments to build a positive relationship. All people love praise, compliments and even a little rude flattery. 

13. Do you think someone is watching you? Try to yawn and carefully look at the suspect. Most of the time he will yawn too. 

14. Is the person angry with you and wants to quarrel? Get closer to him and stay close. Close proximity reduces the level of aggressiveness and anger. 

15. Try to look into the eyes of the interlocutor more often when meeting and communicating. This will put him at ease and make your relationship closer. 

16. Imitate people to please them. Mirrored gestures, emotions, body position and manner of the interlocutor. This will allow you to establish a more trusting relationship with the interlocutor. But don't overdo it. What if you don't want anything? 

17. Admit small mistakes and mistakes in yourself in order to establish a more trusting relationship with a person. 

18. What is the best way to join a company, party or event? Come early. This will allow you to quickly become your own, to whom you are already accustomed. 

19. If you are caught in a humiliating or strange activity, then say that you lost the argument. 

20. Do you want to convey your thoughts to the interlocutor and convince him? Say that this thought is not yours, but a famous person's. People tend to trust authorities. 

21. When you're nervous, start chewing gum or have a snack. It will relieve stress and relax you. 

22. Share something personal to be your own. We are most attracted to imperfect and slightly strange people. Such as we are. 

23. People who know how to shake hands correctly are trusted and respected the most. Try to keep your hand warm and dry, and the handshake firm and confident. 

24. Unpleasant conversation with the interlocutor? Ask him again, make deceptive clarifications, jump to other topics, show indifference, attack back, evade the conversation by referring to being busy. What to say to yourself in a difficult situation?

25. Share the tastes, interests, hobbies and desires of a person. This trick will allow you to quickly converge and understand each other. 

26. Want to get something? Ask for something big first, then something small. If parents don't want a big dog, then maybe a small kitten? 

27. Do not want to get involved in a quarrel? Even if you raise your voice, do not react to it. Speak calmly. Soon the anger and anger of the interlocutor will go away. 

28. People become more receptive when they are tired or have not had enough sleep. Ask the weary for what you want. So the chances of getting what you want increase significantly. 

29. Smile and act positive. This will create an image of a pleasant and friendly person with whom everyone wants to communicate. Willingly laugh at other people's jokes and radiate positive. 

30. Do you want to be known as a good conversationalist? Talk about them loved ones. Give people a chance to talk more while nodding, listening carefully, and asking probing questions. You will be considered the most interesting interlocutor.


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