Secrets of psychology that will facilitate communication

Psychology is a science whose laws cannot be ignored.

Modern marketers, entrepreneurs and even fraudsters know this. We bring to your attention psychological tricks that can be used in everyday life. Now achieving goals will definitely be easier and more interesting. Are you interesting to someone? Sometimes, in a certain team, there may be a feeling that someone is watching you more closely than others. It's easy to check. Wide enough to yawn from the heart. An observer (whether a detractor or a secret friend) will not be able to resist and will do the same. Of course, others may join, but he will be the first to do so. How to get through the crowd. If you need to move through an organized crowd of people, stand up straight and look at the end goal of the movement. Now go. You will be surprised, but people themselves will clear the way for you. Unfortunately, this only works when people are calm and the demonstration is peaceful. Stay close to your opponent. Have you ever met a person at a work meeting who doesn't like you? If you feel that you are going to be accused, slandered or provoked into a conflict, sit next to the opponent. To look at you, a person will need to turn his whole body. In the same position, he will say much less bad things or will remain silent at all. Lovers of mysteries, look straight in the eyes. If you feel that a person is missing something in a conversation with you, you should not pay attention to every word in order to catch them in a lie. Just look the interlocutor in the eyes. The look will cause discomfort and guilt and will force you to speak or clearly indicate that you do not trust these words. Ask twice. Ask for something difficult first, then something easier. So the probability that the person will comply with the second request will be much higher than if you had just asked for it in the first place. That is, if you want a neighbor to lend you a shovel, first ask for a walk-behind tractor. The point is that a person will feel guilty after refusing you the first request, so they will be much more loyal the second time. Talk about love on the left, and work on the right. It turns out that it is very important in which ear you speak. Phrases heard with the right ear affect the logic of the interlocutor, and with the left ear - on feelings. This means that it is better to talk about work and business while standing to the right of the person. To the left of the interlocutor, confess your love and give compliments. Say the name more often. A person's name is a word that he hears most often in his life and most closely associates it with himself. If you want to like a person, call them by name as often as possible. If you want to have a special relationship with a person, come up with a special form for their name, diminutive, caressing, ironic or, on the contrary, rude. And address her exactly like that. 


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